Organic Pau d Arco Loose (Red Lapacho) Tea


‘Tea of the Incas’ – Natural Antibiotic

As the year comes to an end and the weather starts to get a little chilly (and rainy for this part of the world), one’s immunity can get low. It is important to strengthen our immunity so that we don’t succumb to sickness such as the dreaded flu bug.

The Lapacho tea is a natural antibiotic which means we get immunity boost while drinking tea!

The Pau d ‘Acro tree grows in many parts of South America and was treasured by the ancinent Guarani healers for its inner bark. This tribe from the rainforest of Paraguay discovered it strengthened the body’s natural defenses when made into a tea.

A all-natural tea that can help you reduce inflammation and pain, and boost immunity. The inner bark of the Lapacho tree yields naphthoquinones, anthraquinones and other phytopharmaceuticals that generate remarkable health-promoting benefits. Scientific research has shown these substances to be: anti-inflammatory anti-viral anti-oxidant anti-bacterial anti-fungal anti-yeast parasiticidal. Drinking lapacho tea regularly will diminish the chance of developing arthritis, diabetes, bowel problems, bladder infections and cancer. It will also increase blood and bone marrow health.

Lapacho tea is now now available at


100% Pau dArco (Red Lapacho) tree (Tabebuia Impetiginosa) loose tea cut

Suggested Use

Place a teaspoonful of lapacho in 250ml of cold water. Warm at low heat and cook for 5 minutes, then brew for 15 minutes. Strain and enjoy.


Not recommended for people on blood-thinning medication, pregnant and breastfeeding ladies.

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